Research of Hot Stars at Masaryk University

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Rok publikování 2017
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Central European Astrophysical Bulletin
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Klíčová slova stars; mass-loss; winds; disks; outflows; evolution
Popis The particular field of research of the group of hot stars at our department involves mainly the study of spherically symmetric line-driven stellar winds and outflows, asymmetric stellar environment (outflowing disks of B-type stars), and chemically peculiar (CP) stars. We carry out a range of activities within our team and its wider cooperation, from photometric and spectroscopic observations and processing of the data to calculation of theoretical models of stellar and interstellar processes which are connected with studied objects. We have also developed several types of astrophysical computational codes that particularly fit to multidimensional simulations of the specific studied problems. We describe basically the main types of hot stars with winds or outflowing disks and introduce some of main results of our recent research. These include namely the basic features of one-dimensional models disks of critically or sub-critically rotating B-type stars, two-dimensional self-consistent models of the disk density and temperature structure, two-dimensional introductory self-consistent models of the disk with aligned and co-rotating compact companion, as well as examples of models of CP stars and models of interaction of exploding supernova (SN) envelope with asymmetric circumstellar environment.
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