Sending Money Like Sending E-mails: Cryptoaddresses, The Universal Decentralised Identities


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ZIMA Michal

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proceedings 11th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science, Telč, Czech Republic, 21st-23rd October 2016
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta informatiky

Obor Informatika
Klíčová slova cryptocurrencies; decentralised identifiers; cryptographic identifiers
Popis Many systems whose central features include usage of cryptography to secure their functioning present users with long random-looking identifiers. These identifiers are supposed to be shared and to identify users or their resources within the systems. To improve usability of such systems, we propose a decentralised system of cryptoaddresses which resemble well-known e-mail addresses. The system enables cryptoaddresses to be mapped back to the original identifiers. Our proposed system includes leveraging of the existing DNS system secured by its DNSSEC extension; implicit distribution of public keys of servers; and a design of a simple communication protocol between a cryptoaddress client and a server, based on top of a secure communication channel. Although primarily aimed at cryptocurrencies, the presented system is flexible, extensible and can be used for a variety of systems with cryptographic identifiers.
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