Title in English MU SUPO


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník DATAKON 2008
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Field Computer hardware and software
Keywords Claim; payment; bail; accounting; operational records; settling; XML communication protocol
Description The SUPO system is designed for mass automatic settlement of claims for various paid services, provided by an organization to individual clients in this organization. By services we mean namely repeated services like accommodation, alimentation, print and copy services or private phone calls, paid retroactively or from beforehand deposited advance payments. The system is implemented at Masaryk University and is unequalled on universities in the Czech Republic. The system's core is created from clients' accounts, where claims and bails are collected as well as payments, which serve to settle said claims and bails - fully or partially, ordered by their maturity. Claims and bails are passed to SUPO from external systems administering particular services. Payments can be cash or cashless, operated by client or by the system, and are addressed to client accounts. The system is implemented within the organization's intranet and is operated automatically (or serviced by clients) as much as possible. The operation underlies the central operative bylaw and is supported by central operative subdivision. From the accountant's view the system represents operative evidence to the organization's economic information system.
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