STRAIT: A Tool for Automated Software Reliability Growth Analysis

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CHREN Stanislav MIČKO Radoslav BÜHNOVÁ Barbora ROSSI Bruno

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Software Reliability Growth Model; Reliability Analysis; Issue Repository; Issue Report Filtering; Automated Tool
Description Reliability is an essential attribute of mission-and safety-critical systems. Software Reliability Growth Models (SRGMs) are regression-based models that use historical failure data to predict the reliability-related parameters. At the moment, there is no dedicated tool available that would be able to cover the whole process of SRGMs data preparation and application from issue repositories, discouraging replications and reuse in other projects. In this paper, we introduce STRAIT, a free and open-source tool for automatic software reliability growth analysis which utilizes data from issue repositories. STRAIT features downloading, filtering and processing of data from provided issue repositories for use in multiple SRGMs, suggesting the best fitting SRGM with multiple data snapshots to consider software evolution. The tool is designed to be highly extensible, in terms of additional issue repositories, SRGMs, and new data filtering and processing options. Quality engineers can use STRAIT for the evaluation of their software systems. The research community can use STRAIT for empirical studies which involve evaluation of new SRGMs or comparison of multiple SRGMs.
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