Project information
National Centre of Competence in Cybersecurity
- Project Identification
- TN01000077
- Project Period
- 1/2019 - 12/2022
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
- National competence centers 1
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Informatics
- Roman Čermák, M.Sc., MBA
- Ing. Tomáš Knotek
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Václav Stupka, Ph.D.
- Project Website
- Keywords
- cybersecurity; information and communication technologies; certification; security technologies; critical infrastructure protection; information security; security research; applied research; commercialization
- Cooperating Organization
Brno University of Technology
UNIS, a.s.
FlowMon Networks, a.s.
PRK Partners s.r.o. advokátní kancelář
Unicorn Systems a.s.
The establishment of the Centre is a response to strong demand for products and solutions to ensure cybersecurity of critical and noncritical information infrastructures. The Center brings together leading research institutes and industry representatives in the field of cybersecurity for the purpose of collaborative research and development of cyber-security solutions at the hardware and software level and mechanisms for certifying the security features of technology products. In cooperation with industry partners, the Centre will seek to deploy the solutions developed in the ever-growing cyber security market. This will strengthen the importance of Czech industry and research at European and world level.
The National Center for Cyber Security aims to unify the research activities of the involved partners so that individual research institutions can carry out collaborative research taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity issues and working with industry to produce virtually applicable high-quality research results with significant market potential. The Center brings together the three major research organizations: Masaryk University, the Brno University of Technology and CESNET z.s.p.o, who have been working in the field of cybersecurity for a long time. This cooperation will achieve synergies enabling to cover cybersecurity issues from the security of information and communication systems, the security of cyber-physical systems for the management of technological units in critical applications and also from legal regulations. The strong linkage of the center's activities to the industry is accentuated by the involvement of major partners from the application sphere who will be involved in research, directing it to produce usable results in practice and applying these results to the relevant markets.
Total number of publications: 29
Analytická studie rozvoje a nasazení SOC
Year: 2022, type: Special-purpose publication
Analýza systému pro podporu efektivní spolupráce distribuovaných zdravotnických týmů
Year: 2022, type: Special-purpose publication
Dohledové centrum pro monitorování výrobních informačních systémů
Year: 2022
Metodika programu odpovědného hlášení kyberbezpečnostních zranitelností
Year: 2022, type: Special-purpose publication
Organizační, technický a právní model sdíleného SOC
Year: 2022, type: Special-purpose publication
Platforma pro realizaci kyberbezpečnostních kurzů
Year: 2022
Sada metodických, organizačních a právních nástrojů pro realizaci procedur odpovědného hlášení kyberbezpečnostních zranitelností a poskytnutí relevantních vzorových dokumentů (pravidla a podmínky RVDP, poskytnutí detailních vzorových podkladů, dokumentů atp. se zaměřením na soukromou i veřejnou správu vč. popisu relevantních parametrů)
Year: 2022, type: Special-purpose publication
Dílčí projekt „CovidCareShare – Bezpečné sdílení medicínských dat v období pandemie Covid19“ Výsledek V1 – Architektura systému pro bezpečné sdílení medicínských dat
Year: 2021, type: Special-purpose publication
Dílčí projekt „CovidCareShare – Bezpečné sdílení medicínských dat v období pandemie Covid19“ Výsledek V2 – Studie proveditelnosti
Year: 2021, type: Special-purpose publication
Framework a postupy pro vzdělávání CSIRT týmů
Year: 2021, type: Special-purpose publication