Elektronické návrhy stipendií

Title in English Electronic Scholarship Proposals

MACHAČ Zdeněk ČAPEK Vladimír PIDANÝOVÁ Daniela

Year of publication 2016
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

web https://www.muni.cz/vyzkum/publikace/1412013
Description Electronic scholarship proposals aim at efficient administration of scholarship submitting and approving as well as minimizing errors while entering the necessary data. The system supports defining sets of rules for individual scholarship types at individual faculties (or other university organizational units) in accordance with faculty/unit local directives and regulations. A particular set of rules defines valid combinations of several parameters: types of studies (bachelor, master or postgraduate study at the faculty or university), authorised proposers, payment periods (one-time basis, monthly basis), reasons for scholarship payment, accepted range of scholarship amount, and financial sources (economic orders and other economic analytics). The correctly filled-in scholarship proposal is then submitted to electronic approval following a pre-defined process (ordered list of approving persons), again based on the combination of the abovementioned parameters. After successful termination of the approval process, the system generates automatic e-mails to people entitled to complete the process of scholarship payment in the study system (IS MU), and automatically passes the necessary data to the study system. People responsible for scholarship submitting and approving can monitor the state of payment processing until final sending payment orders to the bank. The electronic scholarship proposal software is a part of the information system Inet MU at the address https://inet.muni.cz .
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